Friday, January 23, 2009

I have studied all of your salary thoroughly with a help of Miss P W.

I've discovered that all seem to be justifiable except for the two technical practitioners, and I would like to look into them.
The said two produce more than they are paid today, so their original wages will be adjested accordingly from January 2009.

I'd like to give increment to all.
...Not now for all. Not stable enough.
But still, I'd like to consider for the three new staff (beside the aforementioned two), who strugled and tried their very best for the very first year of their working lives.
They are getting litt...ttle bit of increment from this month, that will surely make a big difference (please make sure)!
The rest of you, old people, please accept this.

Oh, a bad news from Miss P W...
One of our clients failed to bank in our professional fee on time today, so our financial statement will be at a "tak cukup" circumstance on January payday.
It can only make it on 3rd February.
Please do not go to the bank too happily to withdraw money. You may be disappointed.
I am so sorry about that.

The allowance of 100 or 200 for unclear purposes given to a few members did not work well, so we don't practice that any more.
Better to think of more practical appraisal method which is in progress in my head. I will slowly expose my concept of appraisal through here, so you better watch out.

It's not a perfect timing for me to travel now (since my salary will delay more than yours), but I have to do this as there will unlikely be any better opportunity for my old parents in Japan to receive their grand children from Malaysia.
So I'm going off to Japan tomorrow.

Next time I see you, you are very rich with no money spent during the long break.
I'm looking forward to seeing those prosperous faces.

A Happy Chinese New Year.

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